Hello, future birth workers!
THANK YOU for your interest in my 12-week virtual coaching series! Congratulations to you for embarking on this journey and for your role in the celebration of new life. Throughout this series, you will receive a greater understanding of the unique gifts you bring into the room, while tuning into your powerful intuition and accessing your higher self. You will be connected to an intimate community of doulas and will partake in conversations about what’s in your individual tool kit.
There are some general rules to ensure that the class remains a safe and sacred space for everyone. First is no cross talk so each doula may have her unique voice heard and respected. Secondly, we want to honor the choices of where you are in birth and your beliefs systems around birth without judgment. This program is a container for everyone’s experience, a place where everyone can be their authentic selves within an environment that promotes safe sharing and learning.
1. You'll be required to write at least a single essay on one required book from the required reading list.
2. You'll also be required to complete a one-on-one phone exam with Haize to ascertain your grasp of the core points of the course.
3. If necessary, you may request permission to extend past the 12 weeks of the course to complete your essay and phone exam at which point, you will be granted your certification.
4. Doulas are advised to renew and recertify on a regular basis (every two years is the timeframe when receiving your recertification under Haize). When you return to Haize for recertification, there will be no recertification fee. However, there will be a touch-base seminar; a one-day class.
HOW MUCH IS TUITION?Tuition fee = $1111.00
WHAT DATE AND TIME?BEGINS: Tuesday, July 25, 2023, 6PM PST and each following Tuesday for 12 weeks. Meetings are held via Zoom. Classes typically run 1-2 hours per session but can go longer at times.
WHAT WILL I LEARN?Click link below for Course Syllabus. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IZLjcdY0P6hO6A_PVO9GcusI2y4Lztw-XXOpqjONshk/edit?usp=sharing
ARE THERE REPLAYS?Each Zoom event is recorded and made available for rewatch two days later. This allows students who miss a class to stay up to date on content and homework.
IS THERE AN ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT?Yes. Satisfactory attendance is required. You must notify the Admins, Donna Hawkins/Ava Stewart, with reason for absence via email to: getrootedoula@gmail.com. You must make this notification each week prior to the class. Consecutive unexcused absences may result in dismissal from the course. Thanks for your cooperation in advance.
TELL ME ABOUT YOU:To gather more information on where you are in your journey, please answer these questions in the "message" section when you complete your registration. “What do you know about birth education?” "How many births have you attended?" "Have you given birth?"